Performed by Ljiljana Winkler and the CompCord Ensemble
as part of Composers Concordance Presents ‘Art of the Art Song’ Nov. 29th, 2023 @ DROM NYC

Music and lyrics by Joseph Martin Waters aka Jozefius © 2023 Joseph Martin Waters
All Rights


Each time I wan-der to see you a-gain

Loo-king for love and in search of a friend,

Just when I think that my jour-ney will end I see you here

all a-long and shy-ly
I lean in my ear to your chin

soft-ly you mum-ble and long bur-ied sins tum-ble out of your ru-by lips seek-ing a way to be-gin you sigh

at last
I hear
your song

A-lone in the dark-ness a-way from the crowd
box-ing with sha-dows and pray-ng a-loud
twice in the eve-ning for luck in the night
I sing your name
once a-gain

when fi-na-lly fac-ing my fear of the flight

slug-ging and swing-ing and fling-ing the ghosts of the ra-ve-nous hounds nip-ping hard at my heals as I beat
your feet 

re-peat ah dan-cing dan-cing dan-cing dan-cing dan-cing on the de-mons in the night. Dan-cing Dan-cing Dan-cing Dan-cing

Yea yea, Yea yea, Yea yea, yea yea yea yea yea yea yea

Dan-cing Dan-cing Dan-cing Dan-cing Dan-cing dan-cing
dan-cing with the de-mons in the night
Dan-cing thru the dark-ness to the gates of light
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
light la la la la la la la la la la la la la la light
Af-ter we’re gone and our flesh turns to loam
un-der the spread-ing roots deep in the glen
wa-ter di-sol-ving our par-ti-cles swift-ly swept a-way
and then
to-ge-ther our crimes washed a-way in the dawn
un-der the mor-ning star lost in the me-mo-ries flow-ing in cur-rents that glow in the kiss of the Sun
we lift
our eyes
to sing
ah a-long
at last and

Yea yea, Yea yea, Yea yea, yea yea yea yea yea yea yea


Dan-cing dan-cing dan-cing with the de-mons in the night

Dan-cing thru the dark-ness to the gates of light

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la light
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la light
la la la la la la light la la la la la la light
la la light la la light
Dan-cing to the gates of

la la la la la la la la la